Tango Boot Camp for beginners
with Dale and Gem

Saturday, July 13

Boot Camp for Beginners

Milford Arts Council, Milford

2.5 hours of instruction with Dale and Gem packed into this Saturday of intensive Argentine Tango. Limited enrollment.

2:30 - 5:00 pm, with a short break
Argentine Tango basics, embrace and connection. Next phase, pivots, ochos and turns. Free leg movements, combinations with ganchos "hooking legs together".

Do you want more essentials?
Try the workshops in Enfield in the morning

The Essence of Tango
EdanSe Company and Ballroom, Enfield

learn more

Do you want to build up even more?

Nuevo Tango Workshops
with Dale and Gem

Sunday, July 14
Dance Dimensions, Norwalk

Full day, 4.5 hours of intensive tango instruction with guest instructor Dale Ellison and Gem Duras with workshops focusing on nuevo tango idioms.

learn more

Video covering the material from the
March 2013 Boot Camp:

Dale and Gem

Dale and Gem

Dale and Gem

Dale Ellison and Gem Duras


Dale and Gem have been teaching tango together for more than twenty years, in Connecticut, South Carolina and New York.

Originally a San Francisco resident, Dale Ellison received her tango training from the stars of the famous show “Forever Tango” most notably Carlos Gavito and Marcela Duran. Initially a salsa dancer and club style salsa instructor, Dale was drawn to tango for its sensuality and passion, later winning the first prize in the first San Francisco Tango Competition in 1998. Dale teaches and runs tango activities as the director of Tango Rojo in Charleston SC.

Gem Duras started his tango training in 1995 with the stars of the famous show "Forever Tango" and later he studied performance tango with Francisco Forquera and Jesus Velazquez in Argentina to become a certified tango instructor and dancer. Gem is the director of the Tango Sueño Academy in Connecticut and holds regular classes throughout CT as well as Westchester, NY.

Dale and Gem have been running the boot camp at the festival since 2008, introducing Argentine tango to thousands of new enthusiasts.

Other Festival Activities

Tango Passion Show
A night of Tango:
Music and Dance

Friday, July 19
Milford Arts Council, Milford

A stage show featuring pianist Emiliano Messiez with bandoneonist Rodolfo Zanetti, Forever tango Stars Natalia and Juan Paulo, Grupo Folklorico Rio de la Plata and the Tango Sueño Performance Group.

Emiliano Messiez and Rodolfo Zanetti

8:00 PM: Assigned and Limited Seating
Tickets $38/$48, for sale online, or by calling
(203) 584-4480

Select your seat using the seating chart and purchase!

Tango Workshops
with Natalia and Juan paulo

Saturday, July 20, Milford
Saturday, July 21, Norwalk

Forever Tango Stars and Dance Captains Natalia and Juan Paulo will present workshops addressing various aspects of tango in a fun environment. All tango dancers are welcome as well as beginners who have taken Dale and Gem's intensive workshops the previous weekend.

Natalia and Juan Paulo

Natalia and Juan Paulo

At a Glance
CT Tango Fest 2024 with Natalia and Juan Paulo









Weekend 2
  July 19 July 20 July 21
10 am      
1 pm      
Workshops Day I
Natalia & Juan
Workshops Day II
Natalia & Juan
  Closing Reception for Participants
8 pm Tango Passion Show Red and Black Formal Milonga
Natalia & Juan
Festival Venues
Milford Arts Council: 40 Railroad Avenue South, Milford
Dance Dimensions: 15 Cross Street, Norwalk
Fred Astaire Greenwich: 37 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich
EdanSe Company and Ballroom: 127 Pearl Street, Enfield
Contact Information
Phone: (203) 584 4480
E-mail: contact@cttangofest.org 
Photos for the press: click here...
Get ready for two weekends of pure excitement!